
(Southeastern Anatolia Region / Combined, milk production priority) The body is solid and medium built. It has a thin but strong bone structure suitable for the milk type. The body is white-cream colored. The head can be in three different colors: dirty yellow - brown, black and white. There is usually a white spot on the forehead. There are spots on the ears and nose and pigmentation on the feet. It has a fat tail. There is a lean part above the large, fatty main tail mass. There is a bare cavity in the fatty part of the tail, starting from the bottom and extending to the middle. In males, the horns are pointing backwards, downwards and in a spiral structure. Hornless and crescent-shaped horns are also found. Weak horns and ram horns are seen in 10% of females. The udder has a bezel structure suitable for high milk yield. Breast and nipple form is variable.

It has adapted very well to hot and dry climatic conditions. In these conditions, it can walk long distances. Maternal instinct has developed. Their high ability to adapt to different environments and their herd instinct are considered to be their superiority over other dairy breeds. The origin of Israeli Awassi is Anatolian Awassi.

It is raised in a nomadic system. Although it is an animal of hot and arid climates, its ability to adapt to different environmental conditions is good and it can be raised successfully even in cold continental climate conditions. Awassi can be raised as herd sheep in hot and arid desert conditions with temperatures reaching 40-45 °C. They can be raised in inadequate pasture, shelter and care feeding conditions. Feeding is based on pasture and stubble grazing outside the winter period. During the winter months, mainly hay-based feeding with a small amount of grain supplementation is applied. It is housed in inadequate, simple and low-cost pens. Adaptation is difficult in rainy and humid regions.

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