
(Western parts of the Central Anatolia Region / Combined, meat and fleece) German Fleece was obtained by crossing Meat Merino and Akkaraman in Polatlı and Altınova Agricultural Enterprises. This merino type carries 75-80% German Fleece Meat Merino genotype. The head is medium in length and width, the lips are thick, the ears are horizontal and wide, the neck is short and thick, the body is large, wide, deep and long, the thighs are plump and fleshy, the legs are long and strong. Color and print. The facial part of the head and the lower parts of the legs are bare. It has a thin, uniform, 60-64 S fleece. Males and females are generally hornless. The tail is lean, thin and short.

It has adapted to the conditions of the Central Anatolia Region. It has a high adaptability to different environmental conditions. Walking ability, herding and maternal instinct are good.

It has adapted to the continental climate of Central Anatolia with its less rugged and inadequate pasture conditions. However, it is grown successfully in enterprises with relatively good care, feeding and housing conditions. Shelters are generally built close to pastures. During snowy periods, it is kept in a pen. Additional feeding is done depending on the condition of the pasture and the season.

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