
(Çeşme, İzmir, Aydın, Marmara and Aegean Coasts / Milk and sperm) The body is narrow and high, the legs are long. The body is white, with black spots on the eyes, mouth, tip of the nose, ears and feet. The head, legs and underbelly are fleeceless. Fleece type is coarse mixed. Males have strong spiral horns, females are hornless. The base of the tail is low-fat, triangular in appearance, and the tip is lean, thin and long. The nozzle has a bezel structure. They are wide, pendulous and their nipples are generally large, suitable for abundant milk production. There are more than two nipples.

It is an early developing breed. Fertility and milk yield are high. Adaptability is low. Its meat is delicious. Herd instinct is weak.

In family businesses, 3-5 heads are raised in flocks. Although they give an average of 180-200 kg of milk, the number of sheep giving 500 kg or more of milk under good care and feeding conditions is not small. Due to the high fertility and milk yield, additional feeding is done especially during productive periods.

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