White Karaman

(Central Anatolia and its intersection with neighboring regions / Combined, meat and milk) It is defined as having a large build among the local races. The body is narrow and long. The back line is straight, some may have a slight concavity. The head is long and narrow, the face is bare and has bangs (hotoz) of different sizes. In rams, the head is slightly convex. It has long and floppy ears. The legs are long and strong, the nails are strong and hard. Body color is usually white. Black spots are usually found on the head, nose, ears and feet. The head, lower neck and legs are fleeceless.

The fleece is coarse, mixed and sparse. Sheep are hornless. Males may have small or underdeveloped horns. It has an S-shaped fat tail. When viewed from the back, the tail looks like three pieces sitting on top of each other. There is a large and large fat mass at the bottom, a second, heart-shaped, smaller and fat mass above it, and at the top, a lean, hairy and long part hanging down.

It is resistant to bad environmental conditions and diseases. He is solidly built and contented. With inadequate care and feeding, it can survive in different and variable climatic conditions. Due to its fat tail, it has a high survival rate during periods of malnutrition. It is the most docile of the local breeds and is easy to manage. It has good herding and maternal instincts. It is resistant to long road walks. It has a high ability to benefit from poor pastures.

It has adapted to the steppe climate where summers are dry and hot and winters are cold and snowy. It is grown in large pastures that are not too hilly and have poor vegetation. Feeding is based on pasture, except during the snowy season. During the snowy winter months, mainly hay-based feeding with a small amount of grain supplementation is applied. Housed in simple, low-cost pens. They are raised in family, village or private herds and in groups of 30-500 heads.

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